Welcome to our Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Club!
Who We Are
Kids for Social Justice of Colorado is a non-profit organization based in Golden, CO. We are known in our community as the Fairmount JEDI Club. JEDI is a catchy, kid-friendly acronym that stands for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.
Our Mission
The JEDI group educates Fairmount Elementary’s children, families, and the broader community to foster belonging, center marginalized voices, celebrate culture, and inspire changemakers.
Our Vision
We proactively and intentionally empower our community to advocate for justice, equity, diversity, inclusion, and belonging at Fairmount Elementary and beyond.
What we do
After School Club
We have enrolled 40+ kiddos ranging in from kindergarten through fifth grade to participate in their own continuing education . During each lesson we learn the story of a new social justice hero, and discuss recurring themes of love, empathy, courage, gratitude, and service. We discuss issues of racism, ableism, land acknowledgment, and identity.
Adult Activities
We consider ourselves to be lifelong learners, and believe that knowledge is a powerful thing. As such, we invite all adults in our kiddos' lives to participate in free continuing education and enrichment. We facilitate book club sessions, as well as outside expert speakers for our adult community to engage in meaningful conversations.